14 October 2015

6 1/2 months

I am terrible at getting these things out in time, which annoys me. I wrote monthly for Jude and I want to do the same for sweet Greta. And, I had something funny to blog about, though "oh I should make a note of that idea," while having an extra hot shower the other day, never did make that note, and now I forget what I was going to say. But I know it was funny, so you can laugh if you want.

Okay. Greta is adorable. I think she is made of pure brownie batter, she is just so yummy. And she can CRAWL. She started at 6 months old, no joke. A little earlier than I expected but I don't even mind as it is the cutest thing ever to watch. She's like a baby Godzilla, terrorizing all of Jude's toys, and it's hilarious. Sometimes Jude is fine with it and other times he gets all red in the face and says "Grrrrrrrrrreeeeta!". Ha ha ha. I love it. She still can't quite sit up on her own, but has mastered the 'reclining nude' stance, a la George Costanza. And you know, it really gets the job done. I need to get a picture of that because it kills me. I'm her mother though, everything she does makes me want to drop dead because she is so sweet and cute I can't take it anymore. With Jude and Greta around I just don't know how I'm still alive, breathing and blinking. They KILL me dead in mah tracks all day long. Like I've said before, I really love this mom gig, way more than I ever thought I would. Oh! She is also eating food a little here and there! So far she likes sweet potato and carrots with a no thank you ma'am to the butternut squishy squash. She will also gnaw on pear and apple slices (with much supervision) and seems to really enjoy those.  I'm going to devote more time to her food in the next week as right now she's just eating one 'meal' a day and I know she'd like more. So on to that.

Greta is a baby full of smiles. She is pretty calm and typically only cries when we have stretched her awake time a little too far. Greta loves her Jude brother. He can make her smile and coo just my entering the room. Jude loves to kiss her and try to pick her up. Greta is a baby on the move who prefers to be crawling around rather than in any contraption, even if you can jump in it. She still has no teeth!! I'm slightly concerned but I know I don't need to be. She loves her mommy but she also loves her daddy, which is awesome. We had her cry it out a few weeks ago and she did great! Going to bed is easy these days and if she fusses at night she typically just needs a little cuddle and she's off to dreamland again. In my sleeping stupor, I sometimes pull her into bed with us but she really prefers to be on her own, both breaking my heart and making me so happy. Babies are little for far too short a time.

Dan and I have been eating really healthy the past few weeks and I'm so proud of us. I've been learning a lot about food and what my body needs and I love it. So does my rump. I'm really hoping I keep this up and continue to be brave about trying new whole, healthy recipes even if they look weird. What I really want to do is eat mashed potatoes and grilled cheese sandwiches all day long but who doesn't. I've found out I actually do like sweet potatoes (yams, technically) and they do make a great base for a meal. THIS IS MONUMENTAL. Previously, I did not believe this. Now to just keep the wheel in motion- I can do it!

Jude is our little dude and I sure love him as well. He is loving preschool, except for on Tuesday when he told me he didn't want to go because his "feelings [were] tired." Jude loves anything Star Wars, which I do not love. I'm learning though and still, it is rather annoying. He is really good at imagination play with his cars, Transformers, Avengers toys, blocks... it's really fun to watch. He often makes them talk and then says ".... , said Ironman", like he's reading a book. It's really sweet. He is yelling less and less in other kids faces, which is so great. He's never been a hitter, pusher, or biter, but.... that kid can yell. It's his thing I guess and he is doing it less and less. We recently took him to Build-A-Bear and this kid loves his stuffies. It's sweet to see him care for Closing Stuffer (what the heck kind of name is that, Jude??), he makes him little beds, hugs him really tight and while closing his eyes says "ohhh I love you so much!". I love Jude so much, we love Jude so much. Kids.

A couple sweet things he said: The other day he had a rough morning and was not being very nice to me. When I dropped him off at preschool he gave me a big hug and whispered in my ear, "I'm sorry I was so mean to you this morning..." and, again, I almost died it was so sweet. Then at the park with Dan the other day, Dan was at the bottom of a tube slide making silly sounds that travelled up the slide and Jude was at the top with another kid. He said to the other kid "oh, that's my dad, he makes funny jokes, and tells funny stories, and he's funny." Oh Jude, stay little forever, kid.

So that's that. My kids are getting bigger and bigger. It's really nice to be the one to care for them on a daily basis. I'm grateful for the opportunity even though it comes at a high cost. Babies, babies, babies!

0 woot-woots!: