04 March 2015

About Almost Having 2 Children

My days are almost accomplished my friends. I cannot believe it. Whether this little girl be early or late, all will be well, and I will still be in denial. Everyday I frantically look around to see what else I can organize, bake, cook, or snuggle and get right to it, and on the double. Well, as on the double as I can... I had bronchitis last week.

About six times every day I am so tempted to call Dan and tell him I'm in labor even though I'm not. Ha ha ha ha ha. It's such a good joke. BUT, I think this is something I probably shouldn't cry wolf about because labor ain't no joke. I told Dan the other day about my temptations and his response was so classic. He said it was such a Patience thing to do, which, naturally, I took as a compliment. When he came home from work today he asked me "so how many times did you want to call me and say you were in labor?" "Oh about five," was my reply. Now that he knows, the opportunity for such a joke is minimal at best, which is probably a good thing. I wonder if he will actually believe me when it happens. (He just said he probably won't.)

I think that OBs/Midwives are really missing out on a certain market. Maybe a comedy routine or a coffee table book... I don't know. Don't you think they would have a lot to say about the state of a bikini line during the 3rd trimester? I mean, whatever your method is, try as you might, it's just the blind leading the blind at this point. I keep meaning to ask my midwife at my weekly appointments what trends they see in the late 30s but darn it I never do. Next week!

1 woot-woots!:

Amanda Frost said...

Your blog always makes me laugh out loud.